"Clearing Away" (Harasu)

This term is used in the Ofudesaki in two senses. First, it refers to God's workings involved in making the mind and heart of humans clear. The Ofudesaki likens human minds' lack of clarity to being "in a haze" (Ofudesaki V:69-77; VI:14-15).

There are a great number of people living throughout the world, but their minds are all as if in a haze.

Day by day, your innermost heart will be purified and understanding will come. You will come to see the truth as you mature.

Ofudesaki VI:14-15

Unless this haze is cleared away, God's work of salvation will not progress.

This time, unless your innermost heart is made thoroughly clear, the preparations to follow cannot be made.

Ofudesaki VIII:67

This time, I am preparing to clear up your innermost heart. This is the first matter.

Ofudesaki XII:121

Second, the term under discussion refers to clearing away regret from God's mind. The Ofudesaki contains some twenty instances of this term, and most, except the above two verses, reflect this usage.

From now on, I shall work solely on preparations to clear away the regret from the mind of Tsukihi.

Ofudesaki VI: 75

The methods of clearing away God's regret are often called "returns" in the Ofudesaki. In concrete terms, these methods may include providing salvation through the Service and the Sazuke of Hand Dance and of Breath. An important aspect of the "returns" is God's desire to clean or clear the human heart so that the truth can be conveyed (XII:70-84)--which in turn will clear away God's regret. The Ofudesaki also teaches that humans should help and save one another (XII:85-94; XIII:35-40, 41-49). The Scripture adds:

I shall clear away all the regret of Tsukihi which has piled up mountainously until now.

To explain how it will be cleared away: I, Tsukihi, shall do all that I intend.

Ofudesaki XIV:17-18

(This article was first published in the July 2008 issue of TENRIKYO.)