"God's Workings" (Kami no hataraki)

The Ofudesaki, The Tip of the Writing Brush, contains many references to God's workings.

God's workings pervade all aspects of the world, but the Ofudesaki provides a concrete discussion of God's workings as they relate to salvation in particular. Below is a brief summary of this discussion:

First, God's workings are described as free and unlimited (e.g., Ofudesaki IV:129-131, V:78-80).

There may be no one at all who knows the true working of God day after day.

In whatever matters, I shall show you marvels through the free and unlimited workings of God.

Ofudesaki V:78-79

Second, there is no knowing what workings God will provide (e.g., Ofudesaki XII:62-66, XIV:15).

There is no knowing what workings I shall do from now on. In accordance with your minds, I shall do anything, however great.

Ofudesaki XII:62

Third, the entire universe is identified as the body of the Parent (God). We read, for example:

After telling you any and everything about all matters, the Parent will work.

You might not know what this working is. The whole universe is the body of the Parent.

Ofudesaki XV:36-37

(This article was first published in the May 2005 issue of TENRIKYO.)