 (Shiho Shomen)

The term "four-fronted" signifies that, from wherever one may look at something, one is facing the front side of it and that there is no back to it. This is said to imply the absence of cloudiness, indicating the perfection of clarity and purity. The Divine Directions say: "God is four-fronted" (Osashizu, June 17, 1889), and "God works, four-fronted" (Osashizu, November 1887). Regarding the Residence where God resides, we are told, "This Residence is the ‘Four-Fronted Mirror Residence'" (Osashizu, April 23, 1887). In the Divine Directions, the term "four-fronted" is often used in conjunction with the phrase "Mirror Residence." This may be related to the fact that a clear mirror can reflect all things that are within its range without any exception.

On March 2, 1889, a Divine Direction told the inquirer, who received the truth of the Sazuke through this Direction, that God's mirror, being four-fronted, reflects everything, whether it is at the front or back (Osashizu, supp. vol.). Thus, humans would do well to exert their full measure of sincerity at all times, whether others are watching or not. Such is the path of faith.

(This article was first published in the December 2009 issue of TENRIKYO.)