"To Become Completely Pure" (Sumi-kiru)

A term appearing in the Scriptures, this is an emphatic expression indicating the thoroughness or the greatest possible degree of the purification of the mind. See the Ofudesaki (V:49, VII:109, X:102, XIII:93, XVI:36) and the Mikagura-uta (IV:10, VIII:10, X:4). A few verses may be quoted:

Tsukihi will teach about every matter to all humankind equally, and the world will be filled with joy.

If only human beings throughout the world have purified their minds and lead lives joyously. . .

Ofudesaki VII:108-109

Greed is fathomless like muddy water.
When your mind is completely purified,
Then comes paradise.

Mikagura-uta X:4

When your mind becomes completely pure and clear, anger will not arise no matter what others may say. That is the state of a purified mind.

Osashizu, March 22, 1887

It is taught that God the Parent will work to ensure that our mind becomes completely pure and clear.

At this time, God is openly revealed and speaks to you freely without restriction.

As I shall work in truth in all matters, your innermost heart will, of itself, be made clear.

Ofudesaki XIII:92-93

(This article was first published in the March 2003 issue of TENRIKYO.)