"Wonder" (Fushigi)

This term is generally used to indicate something that is beyond empirical facts and is inconceivable by human intellect. As used in the Scriptures, this term (which is sometimes substituted with such expressions as "miraculous," "marvelous," and "unimaginable") is often applied to the workings of God the Parent. For example, we read:

From this time on, whatever you say or think will appear just as you say or think. This is the wonder.

Ofudesaki VI:12

I speak solely of those things that do not exist, but watch the future: the wonders you shall see.

Ofudesaki XI:64

Day after day, whatever I say will be seen just as I say. This is the wonder.

Ofudesaki XII:32

Regarding what you describe as unimaginable among manifold things, that which is unimaginable from any angle whatever is God.

Osashizu, April 3, 1904

God the Parent's workings embody the underlying truth of the world which has never before been taught and express the orderly way in which God the Parent's providence unfolds. God the Parent's workings, which are beyond empirical facts, seem to human beings to be "wonders." One example of such "wonders" is the way whatever has been taught comes to be shown exactly as taught. Through "wonders," one is encouraged to perceive the reality of God the Parent's workings and the evidence of God the Parent's providence. The term in question is not primarily meant to indicate sudden, accidental or incidental occurrences. Every phenomenon reveals to those with clear eyes of faith God the Parent's parental heart that is singly intent on saving all as well as the orderly way in which God the Parent's blessing of salvation unfolds. Indeed, more than anything else, it is the orderliness of everything that brings the sense of wonder and marvel which can lead people to recognize the existence of God the Parent.

In the Mikagura-uta, The Songs for the Service, the term in question often occurs as a modifier as in the following: "marvelous construction" (II:2, VIII:2, XII:2), "marvelous place for the Service" (III:2), and "miraculous salvation" (V:2, VI:2).

Each of these instances may be considered an expression that signifies the presence of God the Parent's workings in whatever is described.

(This article was first published in the September 2002 issue of TENRIKYO.)