The Besseki is a series of lectures on the teachings of God the Parent that are given at Jiba by instructors who are assigned the role of Besseki lecturer. The Besseki lecture is to be distinguished from other lectures conducted in the Home of the Parent, at local churches, or at any other venues. The content of the Besseki is based on the manuscript prepared according to the Divine Directions, and all the lecturers have to deliver the same talk. The Besseki lecture is intended to give us opportunities to listen to God the Parent's intention in creating humankind and the world and reflect on our daily thoughts and actions in the light of the teachings so that we can learn a way of living that will enable us to truly savor the Joyous Life. It is important, therefore, to fully digest God's intention and firmly settle the true way of living in our minds. If this lecture were given at a noisy place, it would be difficult for the listeners to settle the teachings in the mind. The lecture, therefore, is delivered in quiet and separated rooms. The listeners, who are requested not to leave or reenter their rooms except for unavoidable reasons, should make their minds quite calm and listen attentively. At present, the Besseki lecture rooms are housed in the East Wings of the Oyasato-yakata building-complex. The Besseki may be attended by any seeker of this faith who is 17 years of age or over. As a rule, it is attended once a month, and the completion of the entire course of the Besseki requires attendance at nine lectures. Before one's first lecture, the Besseki Pledge must be taken because it is important to embrace an appropriate stance of mind for listening to the Besseki. The significance of attending the Besseki lecture does not lie in merely extending our knowledge of the teachings but in learning a way of living that should be actually implemented in daily life. Rather than being satisfied with understanding the lecture and doing nothing more about it, it is vital to promptly translate what we have learned into action in our daily lives. After attending a Besseki lecture, therefore, we should try to implement the teachings we have heard. After a period of putting them into practice, we can attend another Besseki lecture. If we go through the course of the Besseki in this manner, the lectures will speak to our minds even more vividly, thus allowing the precious teachings to become second nature to us. We will then be able to be spiritually renewed and reborn. When God the Parent's intention has truly settled in our minds through the nine Besseki lectures and our minds have become pure and clear, the truth of the Sazuke, the Divine Grant, can be bestowed upon us by God the Parent. Those who live far from the Home of the Parent are allowed to attend more than one Besseki lecture during one stay. People from overseas may complete the nine Besseki lectures and receive the truth of the Sazuke during a single visit. Students of Shuyoka, the three-month Spiritual Development Course offered by Church Headquarters, can complete the entire course of the Besseki and receive the truth of the Sazuke during their enrollment, regardless of where they come from. |