What is to be sprinkled is the fragrance of the path--which is to say, our joy of faith in God the Parent. Sprinkling the fragrance of the teachings is an effort to invite others to true salvation. There is no better way to repay God for the divine blessings than to help people awaken to the blessings of God the Parent and share our joy of faith. Sprinkling the fragrance of the teachings does not refer to mere propagation. It is not limited to telling others about the teachings. The fragrance that emanates spontaneously from flowers attracts people to them. Likewise, the constant practice of hinokishin that is done while following the Divine Model of Oyasama emits the indescribable fragrance of the teachings spontaneously--without requiring us to speak even a word--and attracts the minds of people around us. Our practice of hinokishin, such as picking up trash in nearby parks or streets, and our cheerful and kind attitude of taking proactive action for our companies or communities enable us to emit the fragrance of the path and convince people around us. Building on such practices, it is important to take the initiative to convey the teachings to others or ask them to read a Tenrikyo pamphlet so that they may become aware of the intention of God the Parent even a day sooner and savor how blessed they are. Even if they do not listen to our words, that should not discourage us. Remember that the important thing in sprinkling the fragrance is to exert our utmost sincerity in speaking to people.
![]() A leaflet entitled, Tenrikyo: Teachings of Divine Truth |
Sprinkling the fragrance may begin with someone with whom we have the closest relationship. Let us first sprinkle the fragrance on our family members, relatives, friends, neighbors, people we work with, and others we associate with. In fact, we should try to base ourselves on the teachings whenever we speak. We may also invite people to return to Jiba. If we are to do so, it is important to build a relationship of trust with them. Many people, however, may turn us down or object to our efforts. Yet, we should feel grateful to such people, no matter what they say, since they are actually helping us grow spiritually. If we accept whatever people say with gratefulness and cheerfulness, the dust in our minds will be swept away. Then, one day, we will be able to receive the blessing of having the fragrance we sprinkled attract people to the teachings. Accompanying OyasamaIn the Divine Directions, we are taught as follows: Because of My love for you, My children, the Parent shortened Her life by twenty-five years to step out and save the world from now. Osashizu, February 18, 1887 Oyasama is everliving and continues to work day and night to save all people in the world. Yoboku are the instruments of Oyasama. It is said that our predecessors maintained the attitude of accompanying Oyasama when sprinkling the fragrance of the teachings and saving others. For example, they would first have Oyasama enter a house and then follow Her inside. Doesn't high-spiritedness well up in our hearts when we remember that we are accompanying Oyasama?
PublicationsMany books on the teachings of Tenrikyo have been published. They may be purchased at bookstores in the Home of the Parent and Tenrikyo mission headquarters and centers overseas. In addition, the English newsletter TENRIKYO is published on a monthly basis. Please contact the Translation Section of Tenrikyo Overseas Department for subscriptions.
![]() The Overseas Department's English monthly, TENRIKYO |
Additional informationThe Joyous Life Lectures are held at venues around the world to explain the teachings and convey the joy of faith in an easy-to-understand manner that is specifically designed for those who are not familiar with Tenrikyo. Please invite as many people as possible to attend the Joyous Life Lectures held near you. For more information, please contact your diocese or district. |